In recent years, social media such as Facebook has become an important part of real estate marketing. Through Facebook Ads, agents can generate quality leads on Facebook. These leads would be even more useful if they were automatically synced to your team’s CRM.

Lead generation goes hand-in-hand with lead nurturing. Nurtured leads are more likely to convert to sales ready leads. BombBomb is an email marketing platform that uses video emails to personalize content marketing. BombBomb video emails have higher response and conversion rates than the average email.

Imagine keeping your lead generation and lead nurturing in complete sync.

That is what the newest workflow from API Nation accomplishes. Our Facebook Leads-BombBomb workflow will automatically sync your leads to BombBomb, allowing for a simple transition from lead generation to lead nurturing.


Why Use This Sync?

Imagine having a giant, continually growing list of leads that you have on Facebook, but not in BombBomb. In order to nurture these leads through BombBomb, you would need to export your leads to BombBomb, which takes time. As you will keep generating new leads, you would need to do this over and over to make sure no lead falls in between the cracks.

Our sync does this for you. Our workflow will take all of the leads you have stored in Facebook and put them into BombBomb. Going forward, it will automatically sync any new leads to BombBomb, ensuring that you don’t miss out on leads.

With API Nation taking care of the tedious, repetitive work, your company can focus on generating and nurturing leads without having to worry about managing all the data.

How Does It Work?

Whenever someone clicks on a Facebook Ad, their information is retrieved through a Form attached to the Ad. This information is stored in Facebook. Our workflow takes this information and translates it to a lead in BombBomb.

There will be an initial sync that captures all your leads in Facebook. Please note that Facebook only saves your leads for 90 days. After this initial sync, the workflow will run each time there is a new lead added in Facebook.

How Do I Set It Up?

This workflow is easily set up in a few clicks. First, go to our BombBomb integrations page and find Facebook. Click “Try 2 weeks Free” to see all of the syncs we currently offer between BombBomb and Facebook. As of right now, we only offer the contact sync. Click it to start the setup process.

First you’ll have to connect your Facebook to API Nation. Click “Connect Facebook” to head to the Facebook login page. Make sure you login as a user that has access to your Facebook Page’s Forms and Leads. API Nation will ask for permission to use this data, so that we can sync it to BombBomb.

Next, connect your BombBomb to API Nation. You will be directed to the BombBomb login page. Once you log in, we will ask for your permission to sync contacts to BombBomb.

Now that your apps are connected, you can start your 2-week free trial with this sync. A pop-up will appear, asking for your information and payment method. Once you enter those, we are ready to start configuring your workflow.

First, you must set a trigger. This will tell the sync which mailing list you wish to sync to BombBomb. There will be a dropdown menu with your pages in Facebook. Once you choose a page, another dropdown will appear, showing all of the forms from that page. The leads you sync over will be determined by the form you select here. Once you’re done, click save.

Next you must choose where these contacts will be listed in BombBomb. Please pick the list and drip you wish to sync these contacts to and hit save.

You also have an option to filter out certain contacts that come in through our sync. We recommend not touching this, as you could miss out on certain leads, but if you are sure about which contacts you do not want synced over, then go for it. If you want our help setting up a filter for your sync, you can contact us.

Finally, you can choose what information you want synced over to BombBomb. The fields that are highlighted green are the fields that will be synced by default, but you can add more. Just drag the gray field to the corresponding gray field in BombBomb. Once you’re finished, save your mapping.

Once you’ve done that, just scroll back up to the top and click the orange start button. It will be located right under your workflow’s name.

That’s it! Now all your Facebook Leads will be automatically synced to BombBomb.

What is API Nation?

If you are not familiar with API Nation, it’s a tool that works as a bridge between your favorite apps, like Facebook and BombBomb, to perform powerful syncs and automation called Workflows.

Workflows avoid doing the manual repetitive tasks over and over again. See all the pre-built app connections we offer here.

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