Connect Follow Up Boss to Google Sheets and Build Custom Reports and Charts

Follow Up Boss is a really slick and useful hub to help run your business. It does exactly what it proclaims, helps you follow up, like a boss.

Something the best bosses use to take their teams to the next level is that perfect report that gives you exactly the data you want to make the right decision at the right time. For a custom report with a helpful graphic those bosses turn to Google Sheets.

API Nation has created this integration to share the data from Follow Up Boss to Google Sheets so those reports stay updated without any copy/paste, import/export, data entry nonsense.


API Nation’s Follow Up Boss to Google Sheets Integration


Easy to Set-Up

We love creating the perfect integration to save you a bunch of time and headaches. You love building relationships and closing deals! That’s perfect, cause we make our integrations so easy to set up, you’ll want to set it up for your whole office just to show off your “hacker skills” :)

If you’re ready to set up that integration, head over to our 3 step Follow Up Boss to Google Sheets walkthrough.

The Reports You Need, Updated Automatically

The real estate business is unbelievably competitive. 80% of new agents leave the industry after 2 years, frustrated and exhausted. Welcome to the other 20%! The side that embraces automations like this to do the work. The side that knows the data pulled from Follow Up Boss into Google Sheets can be massaged and arranged just so, to make trends easy to spot and decisions a slam dunk.

This integration can be used in a variety of ways. You can:

  • Pull all your contacts into Google Sheets and set up a dashboard showing the sources that are producing the most successful leads so you mine those rich veins and blow out your ROI.
  • Create a useful sales funnel to track the Leads as they move through the stages and see where the bottlenecks are so you can really open it up and close those deals.
  • Or even create multiple copies of this integration to sync different tags or combinations of tags to different sheets. Breaking out the leads into easy to manipulate chunks.

The great thing about Google Sheets is the flexibility. Having this data synced in real time from Follow Up Boss will allow you to drill down and get to the insights that will make all the difference as you guide your team.

Leads Are Backed Up As You Work

Years of work have gone into your leads. Nurturing and developing into a database full of gold! (Or at least some solid silver with flecks of gold) It’s extremely important to make sure those years of work don’t get lost or disappear and that they’re always simple to access.

Adding your leads to Google Sheets accomplishes all of this. The crucial contact info and tags are synced so you can use your leads anywhere and if needed you can grab and search for that info all from a phone with a Google Sheets app.

“Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.”

Geoffrey Moore

Author and Consultant

There’s no reason to wander around blind and deaf as a real estate team. Using this integration to pull your Follow Up Boss leads to Google Sheets creates a ton of new visibility and opens up new angles for strategy and tactics that will keep you competitive and well within the 20%.

Connect Follow Up Boss to your Google Sheets today, and join us in API Nation where we work smarter.

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