Maybe the Best CRM for Your Business is Two CRMs

We often are asked “which CRM do you recommend? Which is the best”? And to that question the answer is always “whatever CRM you and your team will consistently use”.

Try a few and see what sticks.

At the other extreme, almost as often we encounter a real estate professional who isn’t looking for a CRM, they actually already have two they’re using! And though that sounds exceptional, according to a survey of sales teams, actually 1 in 5 teams will use two or more CRM’s in their business.

In real estate specifically there are some good reasons to consider this strategy:

  1. Your broker or franchise provides a CRM with some good tools, and you’re already set up on another CRM
  2. You want to keep leads partitioned from clients. For example one CRM is for the sales team to set up appointments, and the second is for the agents to follow up and close the deal
  3. You love features ABC from one CRM and features DEF from another CRM
  4. Your agents use and love a CRM, but you prefer an alternative

In all these cases an easy option is to set up a Sync between the two CRM’s so that work in one CRM is Synced to the other. 

Below is a list of CRM’s that can connect and the data available to be Synced.

You can Sync from:


Data Available to Sync:

  • Email
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone
  • Source ID
  • Date Created
  • Buyer Agent Email
  • Seller Agent email
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip

You can Sync it to:

You can Sync from:

Follow Up Boss

Data Available to Sync:

  • Email
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone
  • Stage
  • Source
  • Price
  • Tags

You can Sync it to:

You can Sync from:


Data Available to Sync:

  • Email
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Mobile Phone
  • City
  • State
  • Source
  • Tags
  • Home Phone
  • Office Phone
  • Fax
  • Company
  • Birthday
  • Anniversary
  • Address
  • Created At
  • Modified At
  • Type
  • Status
  • Hotness

You can Sync it to:

Don’t see the Sync you need above?

Another option is to Sync your CRM to a highly flexible and usable Google Sheet. It’s the simplest way to create a real time mirror of the work you’re doing in your CRM that can then be accessed in the Google Sheet or ready to be uploaded to the 2nd tool of your choice.

These CRM’s have Google Sheets Syncs available:

If you have any questions, or need some ideas when creating your training emails don’t hesitate to reach out here or in our Facebook Mastermind group.

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