Prospect and Grow You Business 3 Times Faster by Connecting Mojo Dialer to kvCORE

Imagine calling over 200 leads, qualifying them, tagging them and launching them into your marketing automation sending texts and emails their way all in under 4 hours.

Is this even possible? Is it just a real estate agents productivity dream? Can software even exist to super power agents to operate this fast and efficiently?

Good News! Yes, this software exists. Mojo Dialer and kvCORE make portions of this process possible, but using them both can create a whole new set of work. You’ll have to add those contacts from Mojo to kvCORE after your calls, try and keep track of the phone numbers, and you’ll lose countless hours moving data between the two software. Those apps need to talk to each other. 


API Nation’s Mojo Dialer and kvCORE Integration

Boost Leads 300%

In today’s world an average real estate pro, office admin or assistant  spend more time prepping/updating data and moving it between software then they actually spend calling on potential leads. What a waste of sales time.

With the current options they are not able to take full advantage of Mojo’s triple line dialer which allows you to make up to to 300 calls per hour. If you could unleash this feature you could boost the amount of qualified leads you have around 300%.

Better news! API Nation has connected these apps, they can now talk to each other and are easily automated to pass along information enabling you to be that superhuman realtor with 3 times the amount of qualified leads you currently have in your pipeline.

How Do I Start?

How does this work. How do you become the fastest and most efficient lead qualifying realtor?

API Nation has created a connection between Mojo Dialer and KV Core allowing you to send data (sync it) from Mojo to KV Core.

The leads in Mojo can be added into a group with notes added and a lead source set. This data is then sent over to kvCORE (watch how the magic happens here) and automatically loaded into the appropriate kvCORE fields enabling the automated marketing to start that you have set up based on the lead source.

Stop wasting your time managing data and start 3X your qualified leads to generate more sales!

Let the automation process save you from countless hours of excel and data management. Start the automation process now

Connect Mojo Dialer to kvCORE today, and join us in API Nation where we work smarter.

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