Many Realtors and Real Estate Professionals we speak with keep mentioning that it is a challenge to build a consistent email marketing strategy.

We went back and scoured our marketing webinars to identify the 2 types of emails that help you simplify your email marketing strategy.

The easiest way to accomplish this is to recognize that you can send out 2 types of emails:

1. One on One Business emails
2. Broadcast emails

As a real estate pro, you’ve already had a lot of experience with one to one business emails, so let us focus on the broadcast emails. Think of these emails as your television broadcast. Keep them interesting, engaging and send them to everyone to build up your brand and relationships.

That means your email has to appeal to:

  • Past customers to keep them engaged and continue to build your brand
  • Inbound leads that you need to nurture and develop a stronger relationship with
  • Leads that are going cold on you – You never know what might be happening during the start of a home buying process so keep these leads engaged and stay in front of them should they choose to come back into the market.

Winning With Email

If you are new to email marketing or just developing your strategy here is the best advice anyone can give: Start Emailing, Keep Emailing and Always Be Testing.

Put together a bit of content for your broadcast email that would be interesting to all those folks. When brainstorming ideas to include in your newsletter remember the “3 L’s.”

Local – stories about businesses in your area.
Lifestyle – helpful tips for a homeowner that will enhance home value and keep up on maintenance.
Leadership – Demonstrate your knowledge of the real estate market with listings, success stories, and market updates.

You can also throw some personal tidbits in there to develop those relationships and humanize yourself to your newsletter list. By combining those 3 areas you should never run out of useful and engaging content to send your clients.

Never Stop Improving

Once you have created what you want to email, set up initial campaigns in your email marketing software; this could be your CRM, Mailchimp, Constant Contact or other tools. Send out that campaign and remember to Always Be Testing its performance.


Testing Tip:

If you have a low open rate of your email, work on your subject heading. If you have a poor click through rate, test new call-to-action slogans and buttons. Keep emailing, Always Be Testing.

If a customer calls you or emails you from the email campaign, ask them what they are finding helpful and what else they want to see in the future. Through these ongoing tests you will improve your marketing and will develop a strong email marketing strategy.

Short on Time? Automate Your Email!

The fastest way to accomplish this is to connect your software tools through an integration so your contacts flow from your email inbox to CRM to Transaction management system to your Email Marketing tools.

You can even pre-set email campaigns so as the contacts automatically upload to your email marketing tool, they are already part of the next scheduled email date.

Get started by choosing a Marketing Tool to automate:

Have another app you’d like to Automate? Let’s do it!

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