Real Estate Professionals Holiday Vacation Checklist

You made it!

It’s the day before Thanksgiving and all through the office, all us creatures are stirring to finish up before a long weekend with family. 

We at API Nation want to first wish you a very happy holiday. 

And offer you this simple checklist to make sure you’re ready to relax, go home, be present, and of course eat your weight in yams. 

Together we can have this done it about 10 minutes!

Let’s go!:

1) Setup your Out of Office Email

You’ll want to make sure your colleagues and clients know you’re on vacation and a few other important pieces of info. In your message be sure to include:

  • The date you expect to return
  • An emergency contact number or email (optional)
  • Links to any pages on your personal website that may answer common questions

If you’ve never set up the autoresponder before, it’s a little different on each email client. 

But here are the instructions for 

Click here to save this checklist and share it with your office or on Social

2) Clean up your Workspace

Nothing is going to hinder your productivity more upon return than a cluttered unorganized workspace. 

Even if you’re working from your garage at home, take a few minutes and throw away the notes you’ve scrawled but no longer need, file the papers, wipe the desk, and toss the trash. Don’t forget to check the office fridge also so the whole team doesn’t return to a fridge blessed with your 10 day old tikka masala leftovers.

3) Grab your Contacts

Let’s be real, there’s a good chance you’re going to do some work this weekend. And most of that work is going to be done on your phone.

So don’t forget to connect your database to Google Contacts so all your contacts are automatically added to your phone (even contacts that are added while your away!).

If you have an iPhone, be sure to add your Google Contacts account to your phone book. It’s super easy, here’s how. 

4) Email your Future Self

If you really want to be present this holiday, just dump all your thoughts and tasks in an email, a little time capsule, and send it to yourself in the future. 

Not only will it clear your brain space to get ready for family this holiday, but because a lot of those tasks are at. amidway point, it’ll give you a fantastic jumping off point come Monday morning. 

Here’s how to do that:

5) Activate Lead Responder

Finally, you’re going to want your leads to keep coming in. Any you need to respond to those leads in order to convert them. 

By automating your CRM with Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or BombBomb, you can have every lead that comes in from your Facebook Lead Ads, Squeeze Pages, or Website, instanly greeted with a beautiful email or video. 

Here’s how you can set that up in BombBomb. And the process will be similar for Mailchimp or Constant Contact. 

Well, you’re now ready to completely relax and let the tryptophan take the wheel. 

We truly wish you the best holiday. Thrilled we could offer you automations that will continue working so you don’t have to. 

– API Nation Team

If you have any questions, or need some ideas when creating your training emails don’t hesitate to reach out here or in our Facebook Mastermind group.

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