Successful real estate agents know that relationships are the key to getting leads, nurturing leads and closing those deals. They’ll also tell you that relationships require a huge investment of time. A Customer Relationship Management program such as kvCORE can help keep things organized, but you still need to find some ways to save time – enter Mailchimp.

Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform with a very robust email marketing backbone.

Using API Nation’s kvCORE to Mailchimp integration you can have leads that are added in kvCORE automatically placed into your Mailchimp contacts, putting them on the fast track to conversion.

API Nation’s kvCORE to Mailchimp Email Automation Integration

Easy to Set-Up

You’re here looking to save time and definitely don’t have time to be fiddling with a bunch of code, or webhooks, or any of that jazz. Which is why we’ve setup this integration so it just works. You throw a few switches and *whoosh*, let the emails flow!

We’ve put together this quick video showing exactly how to do that here:

Easily Create Monthly Newsletters and Stay Top of Mind

Home buying decisions are big decisions, and a decision people only make every 8 years on average. That means when the thought tickles the back of their imagination, you need to be the name that pops up right behind it. A great way to do that is by sending out a monthly newsletter.

This integration for kvCORE to Mailchimp can make sure all those leads you’re nurturing are automatically set up to receive your newsletter. The email addresses are always fresh from kvCORE, there is no wasted time on redundant data entry, and importing/exporting is completely off your to-do list.

All that’s left is the joy of using Mailchimp’s simple and beautiful email templates to send out those monthly updates, keeping in touch with your future deals.

Wow Them with a Drip Campaign

Drip campaigns are an automated series of emails you can schedule out over days, weeks, even months. They’re extremely effective and can be used by an agent to explain the home buying process, lay out reasons to consider listing their home, and even keep in touch after closing to get those valuable referrals.

The API Nation integration can be told to sync specific people from your kvCORE leads, such as leads from a recent open house, or leads who recently closed on a home. Those leads can then be popped into an Automation (or drip campaign) in Mailchimp, to slowly, steadily get them the messages you wrote over the following days

The best part? It’ll all happen automatically! 

Sync kvCORE to Mailchimp and join us in API Nation, where we work smarter.

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