In your business, automated data flow = more cash flow. With too many disparate systems and processes, data bottlenecks will reduce your operational efficiency, erode client relationships, and crush your bottom line.

Here are 5 reasons to automate your real estate processes in 2020:

1) Respond to Leads Faster

Get your marketing automation tools to instantly respond as leads are generated, helping to win more clients and close more deals.

2) Pay Commission Checks Instantly

Put the abacus away and let your automations push the transaction details right into your accounting system so you can pay your agents immediately and keep them happy.

3) Cut Agents Daily Data Entry Time In Half

Most brokerages have a bundle of applications and systems to track leads and deals. Inevitably, your agents are entering the same data into at least two different systems everyday! Use automation to eliminate time spent on dual entry and boost data integrity as a bonus!

4) Drive More Referrals and Repeat Clients

80% of your current clients would prefer to use their last agent for their next transaction, unfortunately, 83% don’t remember the last agent they used. Automate your marketing, lead nurturing, referral requests, and customer touchpoints to stay top of mind, even when you are too busy to do the manual work.

5) Sync Up The Entire Team

Hours are wasted everyday at your brokerage because of miscommunication and info bottlenecks. Automate all of your sales, marketing, recruiting and accounting systems together so that the info is synced between them.

At API Nation, we specialize in automating real estate technology platforms and systems so you can focus on growing your business.

Where would you be at this time in 2020 if your brokerage enjoyed these automations for a full year?

Schedule a FREE consultation with one of our automation experts.

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