Facebook Lead Ads to Google Sheets Integration – How to Connect Facebook Leads to Google Sheets

Automate and sync your leads from Facebook Lead Ads into a realtime Google Sheet. It’s super easy to set up and get started, just go to:


Studies show that by responding to leads within the first five minutes —compared to the first ten minutes — your conversion rate goes up 80%!

Facebook Ads are a great way to attract leads, but unless you have time to sit there and monitor, check, refresh, and download a csv file from Facebook all day everyday, you’re going to be paying for leads that you don’t respond to in time, and don’t end up converting.

Let’s automate those leads into a real time Google Sheet! So you’ll instantly see when someone responds, you can call, text or email them immediately. You could even simply give access of the Google Sheet to an ISA or marketing specialist who can handle those immediate follow ups for you.

You can see all the time saving automations we have at https://www.apination.com

Also be sure to join our Facebook Mastermind group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/apination

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